Andrea Avalos commented on Home
2019-03-29 16:03:54 -0700
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Hi Judy,
First and foremost, we are sorry for your loss. My family and I are currently going through this. My brother David passed away 3/18/19 and WE KNOW he did not commit suicide. The medical examiners “opinion” was falsely reported based on pure physical evidence and failure to perform the correct research. We even sent them resoueces on the choking game and it was as if it was never viewed. A psychological autopsy was NOT performed and we would love your help. Could you email us more information on psychological autopsies. We are not closing this case without getting this information shared!
Thank you.
Please email [email protected]
First and foremost, we are sorry for your loss. My family and I are currently going through this. My brother David passed away 3/18/19 and WE KNOW he did not commit suicide. The medical examiners “opinion” was falsely reported based on pure physical evidence and failure to perform the correct research. We even sent them resoueces on the choking game and it was as if it was never viewed. A psychological autopsy was NOT performed and we would love your help. Could you email us more information on psychological autopsies. We are not closing this case without getting this information shared!
Thank you.
Please email [email protected]