Primary research and resources herein currently pertain to pass out challenges.
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Decades of substance abuse prevention training and research provide the model for how we how we feel we can most effectively reach kids about the dangers of the choking game. Research has demonstrated that the fear-based approaches to prevention training has proven less effective over the long-term and in some cases counter-productive. Skills-based interactive models have been proven to be more effective. Below are links to research discussing the pros of skills-based training vs. the cons of fear-based training:
- CDC: Characteristics of an Effective Health Education Curriculum
- Prevention First: The Ineffectiveness of Fear Appeals
- Prevention of the Choking Game: Parent Perspectives
Project ALERT
Summary on Impact -
Promising Practices: This site offers a menu of programs which focus on prevention.
All have at least promising data level, if not proven data.
Suggested Samples:
Guiding Good Choices
Coping with Stress
- Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting FY 2017 (chapter 20, p. 81, para. c)
- 2017 Tabular List of Diseases and Injuries, p. 1837: Code Y93.85 "Activity, choking game"
(courtesy of
- Guilheri J, Andronikof A, Yazigi L. The "Choking Game": A new craze among Brazilian children and young people. Psychophysiological, behavioral and epidemiological characteristics of 'asphyxial games'. Cien Saude Colet. 2017 Mar; 22(3):867-878. English and Portuguese.
- Ibrahim AP, Knipper Sh, Brausch AM, Thorne EK. Solitary Participation of the "Choking Game" in Oregon. Pediatrics. 2016 Dec:138(6).
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- Macnab AJ, Triviax D, Andrew . Risk - taking behavior in adolescents. `Chance only favors the prepared mind'. Arch Dis Child 2015; 100:1101-1102. Epub Ahead of Print: 14 Aug, 2015.
- Body Electric: The art of healthy choices, East Central Illinois teen survey report. 2012
- Prevalence and associated harm of engagement in self-asphyxial behaviors in young people ("choking game") a systematic review, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Busse H, Harrop T, Gunnell D, doi 10.1136/archdischild 2015-308187
- The Choking Game. Crime Victim’s Institute. Criminal Justice Center. Sam Houston State University. January 2012
- Ulrich NJ, Goodkin HP. The choking game and other strangulation activites in children and adolescents. In: UpToDate, Middleman, AB (Ed), UpToDate, Waltman, MA, 2011.
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- Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey. 2011 MYIS high school report. July, 2012. Available at: (pg 15).
- Ramowski SK, Nystrom RJ, Rosenberg KD, Gilchrist J, Chaumeton NR. Health risks of eighth-grade participants in the "choking game": Results from a population-based survey. Pediatrics. 2012 May; 129 (5): 846-51
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- Brausch AM, Decker, Kristina M, Hadley AG. Risk of suicidal ideation in adolescents with both self-asphyxial risk-taking behavior and non-suicidal sel-injury. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2011 Aug; 41(4): 424-34.
- Bernacki JM, Davies, WH. Prevention of the choking game: parent perspectives. J Inj Violence Res. 2011 Jul; 4(2): 73-8.
- Ashraf G, Sathyranarayan S. Cross-section study on awareness of choking game among primary care and emergency physicians. Pediatric and Human Development, Michigan State University. Pediatric Academic Societies and Asian Society for Pediatric Research. 2011 Apr; Abstr # 236.
- Baquero F, Mosqueira M, Fotheringham M, Wahren C, Catsicaris C. [The choking game in adolescence, between experimentation and risk.] Arch Argent Pediatr. 2011 Feb; 109(1): 59-61.
- Sauvageau A. The choking game: a misnomer. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2010 Dec; 25(12): 965.
- Dake JA, Price JH, Kolm-Valdivia N, Wielinski M. Association of adolescent choking game activity with selected risk behaviors. Acad Pediatr 2010 Nov-Dec; 10(6): 410-416.
- Galloway, D. Parent’s Role in Improving the Health of Adolescents. N C Med J. 2010; 71(4):383-385.
- Barbería-Marcalain E, Corrons-Perramon J, Suelves JM, Crespo Alonso S, Castellá-García J, Medallo-Muñiz J. [The choking game: a potentially lethal game.] An Pediatr (Barc) 2010 Jul 31. [Epub ahead of print]
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