Please share your experience with our Prevention Program

We would love to your experience with our prevention program:  Educators, Teachers/Counselors, Law Enforcement, Medical Personnel, Parents and Students.  Thank you for your support.

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commented 2019-05-07 06:45:09 -0700 · Flag
I’m in Kalamazoo Michigan. Sixteen years old Ellery Matheison got my little boy to do this, and let him die so she could film it. His name is Dennis Charles Wolf and we called him Charlie. She recently tormented me on Facebook, saying she video taped his death and is posting it on social media. She says she won’t take it down because it’s getting so many hits. Videoing it and sharing it via private link on Facebook, tictok and Instagram is part of this game. Every person needs to know that this is happening and children are dying. Another one died in our town just a few weeks ago the same way.
posted about this on Facebook 2016-02-05 09:14:02 -0800
Please share your experience with our Prevention Program
published this page in Testimonials 2016-02-05 09:13:41 -0800
Erik's Cause
Saving lives with a non-graphic, skills-based approach to stop the spread of viral & deadly online challenges

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