Paula Moxley commented on Home
2016-01-14 21:09:49 -0800
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I am so very sorry for your loss, but maybe God made him an angel so through him you could save other kids. There is a reason for everything, Erik’s story is tragic, no doubt but there are so many children that die everyday from cancer, car accidents and accidental shootings and yes suicide it’s truly mind-boggling. As a single Mom of two sons (11 and 15) that have thought of suicide (both are in counseling, and I participate also) This story hit me hard. I read the entire page with youngest (I will with my oldest as well) and we watched the video and it made him really sad and me also. All of these beautiful kids , over/done. We talked about all the things they will never do and I think it sunk in. Life is precious and it can be gone in the blink of an eye, for whatever reason. This a strong message for parents too. Love each other everyday and night and it may still not be enough, but at least we know we loved them well.
Thank you for creating Erik’s Cause and making people aware,
Blessings to you and yours Judy.
Thank you for creating Erik’s Cause and making people aware,
Blessings to you and yours Judy.